

Female Foeticide In India And Its Legal Safeguards

Female Foeticide In India And Its Legal Safeguards How disgraceful it is, that in a country where on one hand, woman is worshipped as a Goddess, while on the other hand, she is being killed in a womb. This is what female foeticide is. It is the practice of killing of...

Concept Of ‘Continuing Offence’: Detailed Analysis

Continuing offence means a transaction, or a series of acts set on foot by a single impulse, and operated by an unintermittent force, no matter how long a time it may occupy. According to the Blacks’ Law dictionary,“Continuing” means “enduring; not terminated by a...


Difference between Kidnapping & Abduction: Comparative Analysis Introduction Generally, we have seen that many people co-relate ‘Kidnapping’ with ‘Abduction’ and often use them interchangeably. But in actual, we cannot. Although all kidnappings begin with...

Dowry System In India

Dowry, commonly known as dahej, is a form of gift taken by the groom and his family at the commencement of a marriage. It is usually considered as a demand by the groom’s side. The bride’s side is forced to fulfil their demands if any precondition is kept before them...

How to get bail in India?

What is a Bail? Bail is a judicial term that alludes to the interim release of someone who has been criminally prosecuted. Bail is the temporary release of an individual who has been convicted of a particular offence, subject to certain circumstances and the necessity...

Child Abuse

Children are recognised as an essential element in the development of a nation. Since independence, India's legislation and judiciary have worked hard to provide fundamental rights to children from the time of pregnancy until they achieve the legal age of maturity....